VS Code tricks to boost productivity
Lately, I have been mentoring a couple of Junior Developers and realised how introducing VS Code shortcuts almost doubled their productvity. Here, I have listed some useful Visual Code capabilites that many new Web Developers might not be aware of.
Emmet Plugins
Visual Code supports Emmet snippets expansion; it is a plugin for text editors which greatly takes HTML & CSS workflow to the next level. This plugin uses Abbreviations, heart of the Emmet toolkit: these special expressions are parsed in runtime and transformed into structured code block.
By the way, if you guys prefer a video format, I do have an Instagram reel dedicated to this aricle.
Useful Abbreviations
- h1+p+button

- nv>ul>li

- nv>ul>li*4

- div+div>header+footer

- div.box$*3

- a{google}

- button{click}

- div.box${Box $}*5

I hope, I added something new to your development belt.
See you guys in a couple of days, I am working a Python Automation Project!